Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back to square one... well almost

Changing the wall color didn't work out as well as I had hoped. I was afraid that the couch wouldn't look too good with a lighter color. Well my fears were correct.  Our couch is too worn to look okay with a lighter color next to it. The sample colors I chose I did like on the wall opposite of the couch, but when I painted them on the wall next to the couch it brought out the lighter shades in the couch which happen to be the worn parts. It just wasn't a good combo. The couch we have is a hand me down=blessing! I really like the couch, its super comfy, it just happens to be one of those colors that is harder to work with.  
(Note: the colors look a lot better when they aren't next to the couch. In this picture, in my opinion the colors look awful. Plus this picture isn't the greatest picture of the couch :) ) 

With all that said we have decided to stick with the same color the walls are now and just update other parts of the room. 
I still plan to make the chevron curtains, possibly still do the grass cloth wall panel, and then rearrange the furniture. I also want to get a new TV stand so I have been hunting craigslist to find an old dresser/console table that I could possibly paint. Fun Fun. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time for Change

Now that I am about done messing with the playroom/bedroom, I'm ready to do something else! I am always thinking of things I can do or change in the house. My poor hubby has to constantly hear about my "grand" ideas for the house. If it wasn't for him grounding me I think our house would be in constant construction. I'm daily moving things around and thinking of new ideas from knocking down walls to getting different colored candles. 
Recently, I have been contemplating changing the entire look of our living room! I originally painted the room back when Jared and I were dating. That was over three years ago so it is definitely time for a change! Don't you think? Hopefully this time it won't take me as long to find the right color. I'm pretty sure there is about four coats under the coat it is now. Good thing I like painting! 
Here are some pictures of the living room right now... 

I really do love our living room, I LOVE the color of it. But I'm ready for a change. 

Here are some inspirational pictures I've been looking at. 

I love the look of this living room! I would love to do a grasscloth panel on our wall next to the door. Since we don't have a foyer I love how the panel in a way separates the room and gives the idea of a entry way. 

Another part of this living room I want is the curtains! The chevron curtains are awesome. I especially like how thick the stripe is.  She used plain white IKEA curtains and painted the chevron stripes. I see a DIY project in my future! 

I'm thinking about moving our TV to the opposite wall from where it is now. I have seen a lot of gallery walls here recently and I love the idea of including the TV in the mix. 

So for COLOR I really have started to fall in love with gray! The color used in the inspirational living room the lady mixed herself! Thanks a lot! :) So I went to another blog for ideas. On one of my favorite blogs  (emilyaclark.blogspot.com) she used one paint card to base all her walls in her house off of. What a great idea!! 
Therefore I really like the Amazing Gray she uses in her living room (happens to be the same color pictured in the second gallery wall inspiration pic) 

So with all this said I got the OK from the hubby and I plan to buy paint samples today to start the process. I'm a little nervous with the gray walls and our greenish couch. Hopefully it will look okay. If not back to square one! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Playroom Transformation

While taking the foster parent class we have been transforming the play room into a bedroom and playroom. Since we aren't sure what age child we will be getting we went ahead and bought a crib and then Jared's parents let us have his old twin bed to use. The bed was just plain oak wood so I decided to paint it a gray blue color. The room is pretty neutral.  When we get the call and know what gender the chid will be I plan to add some color. Maybe even go shopping with the child and let them pick out some things for their room. 

Here is how the playroom use to look... 

And here is how the room looks now...

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Highchair is DONE

I'm about done with the highchair!  It sure took long enough! I'm not sure what I was thinking when I thought I could just paint the chair by hand; next time I'm SPRAY Painting! I also experimented with the sanding effect to give it rustic look for my first time, it's not as easy as it sounds, though I could just be over thinking it. :) Tomorrow I plan to spray paint a clear coat and we will be ready for business. 
I love the creamy white! (Snow Cap White - Valspar Paint) 

Friday, April 5, 2013

High Chair Makeover

We have been doing so many things to prepare for a foster child. We are SO excited.
 The other day at Goodwill Jared found this high chair. It is older and not necessarily as high tech as highchairs come now-a-days but I love the original and traditional look of the chair. It was only $8.50 so we agreed why not try to refinish it! I plan to paint it a creamy white and sand it to give it a rustic look (final picture to come). I also would eventually like to find some kind of cushion for the seat; something that can easily be washed. 

Hello There!

Thanks for checking out my blog.  I love reading/checking out all kinds of blogs.  Thanks to my friend Lydia I decided to start one of my own.  I can't wait to start recording things happening in the Walters' household. I'm not a great writer so bare with me, hopefully all I say will make sense and if not just look at the pictures and maybe it will come together. :)
